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The only live, online business and leadership program made just for young women

Developed with Harvard leaders, our ‘mini-MBA’ program equips girls with the skills, knowledge and confidence to become the leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators of tomorrow.

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Today, say yes to feeling powerful.

“I’m much more confident; now I know how to go about making things happen."

Rachel Motley • Girls With Impact Graduate & Recipient of 2 Full College Scholarships


Our Academy Program

10-week live, online ‘mini MBA’

Join the movement from the comfort of home! Through live, online classes — led by your dedicated business coach -- we help you to find your passion and then guide you to launch your dream project, provide awesome networking, and arm you with the know-how skills and self-assurance to make it happen.

“Before I didn’t know how to start my business, so having guidance through Girls With Impact I feel very capable right now.”

Rachel Motley CEO, Crown Kits for Black Hair Recipient of two full ride scholarships to Babson & Howard University


“Prior to Girls With Impact I sat in the back of the classroom, now I’ve found my voice and I feel powerful.”

Jody Bell CEO, In Case of Deportation Honors Seat in business program and full ride scholarship at College of Charleston

“Girls With Impact has helped me to broaden my knowledge of a career I hope to pursue in the future.”

Raina Jain CEO, HiveGuard & QueenBee Products featured at Whole Foods


Featured Partners

Thanks to these underwriters and amazing partnerships, Girls With Impact is able to empower the next generation of female leaders.

Why We Do It

Only 6% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women.

Only 2%

Of the $80B in venture funding is awarded to female founders.


Of working women do not see themselves as leaders.


Confidence drop in girls
between the ages of 8-14.


Of Gen Z women want to do something they care about.

“I’ve already won a $1K pitch competition, and will release my second venture at the end of this year. All this was possible through Girls With Impact.”

Melissa Woo, 16, CEO, STEM for All

“The program opened my eyes to entrepreneurship as a way to create a solution, product or idea, and as a mindset that I approach life with.”

Ananya Kamboj, 15, CEO, Sports to Lead

Learn More About The Academy

Learn the intricacies of our our robust, online programing and everything it entails.

Reserve A Space

If you’re ready to move forward and make an impact, you can register and reserve a spot now! Registration is currently open.